Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh! That's a Tube!

So I asked Donna, our AustCycle instructor, "what does a tube actually look like out of the packet? Does it have a valve does it?"

I don't profess to be an expert but I'm learning and that's what the Aust Cycle Cycle Skills intiative is all about.

The afternoon started at 1.30pm at the C.A.R.E.S facility in St Peters. I was already feeling chuffed, having mastered attaching my new tow bar and bike rack to my car all by myself. By the end of the three hour session, the small group of 7 became familiar with another side of Sydney and another side of themselves. We discovered we could ride on tar road from the Inner West to the East without the fear of dreaded Sydney traffic and its ubiquitous one-finger salute. By far the SCARIEST traffic encountered on the day was on the short ride from the C.A.R.E.S. facility carpark to meet the group. One had to dodge the hundreds of little toddler tikes around the mock-mini-traffic playground and, let me tell you, those tikes weren't givin' way!

We also discovered a few maintenance and riding tips that made us all the more confident and enthusiastic to get out there again. A simple instruction, such as how to start, was really worthwhile. I was cycling up mountains in the Andes just two months ago and would have loved to know the proper way to start then. Seems obvious but how many of us stop and start properly? By the way, it's really hard to look chic and ride in the Andes, especially when you can't actually breathe.

Cycle Chic

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