Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh! That's a Tube!

So I asked Donna, our AustCycle instructor, "what does a tube actually look like out of the packet? Does it have a valve does it?"

I don't profess to be an expert but I'm learning and that's what the Aust Cycle Cycle Skills intiative is all about.

The afternoon started at 1.30pm at the C.A.R.E.S facility in St Peters. I was already feeling chuffed, having mastered attaching my new tow bar and bike rack to my car all by myself. By the end of the three hour session, the small group of 7 became familiar with another side of Sydney and another side of themselves. We discovered we could ride on tar road from the Inner West to the East without the fear of dreaded Sydney traffic and its ubiquitous one-finger salute. By far the SCARIEST traffic encountered on the day was on the short ride from the C.A.R.E.S. facility carpark to meet the group. One had to dodge the hundreds of little toddler tikes around the mock-mini-traffic playground and, let me tell you, those tikes weren't givin' way!

We also discovered a few maintenance and riding tips that made us all the more confident and enthusiastic to get out there again. A simple instruction, such as how to start, was really worthwhile. I was cycling up mountains in the Andes just two months ago and would have loved to know the proper way to start then. Seems obvious but how many of us stop and start properly? By the way, it's really hard to look chic and ride in the Andes, especially when you can't actually breathe.

Cycle Chic

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone talks about Integrated Transport for a Connected City

Taken from City of Sydney, What's on newsletter:

16 September 2009 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Doors Open 6:00 PM)

From his groundbreaking congestion charge, to changing the way Londoners bought their tube tickets, Ken Livingstone took on the challenge of transforming London's outdated public transport system.

At this City Talk, the former Mayor of London talks to Sydney about greener, better and more accessible transport systems and how we must change the way we get around our cities to deliver a more sustainable future.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP will outline the Sustainable Sydney 2030 plan for integrated transport for Sydney and how the City is working with the State and Federal Governments to make it happen and to create new public spaces and calm, green streets for cyclists and pedestrians. The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government will provide the Federal perspective.

The speakers will then be joined in a panel discussion by Robert Whitehead, Director, Marketing & Newspaper Sales, The Sydney Morning Herald and Dr Garry Glazebrook, Senior Lecturer, School of the Built Environment, University of Technology, Sydney where they will discuss how a 'connected city' can be delivered to the future residents of Sydney.

City Talks are a series of free public presentations, presented by the City of Sydney and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Tickets are FREE, ESSENTIAL and available from Ticketmaster on 136 100 or online.

Cycle to City Talks - free bike parking located at Hyde Park North (adjacent to Elizabeth St, near Market St) available 6.00pm - 9.30pm

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Contribute to Cycle Chic on Flickr!

We need your photos to promote cycling to more Sydneysiders and convince councils to create schemes to help this city to evolve into something great! We don't need to compete with Copenhagen. We can make our own magic.

Go to , join flickr, upload your photos and up they'll come! Real time! Real cycle chic enthusiasts! Real impact!

Cycle Chic


Sydney Spring Cycle  on Sunday September 27 is the perfect way to re-introduce yourself to cycling. For a precious few hours the City of Sydney closes off many streets from North Sydney to Homebush to promote cycling and raise money for well deserving charities. If you are yearning to re-engage the inner child and once again experience the 'weeeeeeeeee' feeling of riding down a hill on your bike then start here onthe Sydney Harbour Bridge and bring your like-minded friends with you. Believe me, the Clover Moores of this world are watching and your contribution will help build a better Sydney!

Cycle Chic